British Western Shooting Society
British Western Shooting Society

Don Pepe
11 Feb 2025
Time to pay your fees
Howdy Partner! All membership fees are due buy 29 February 2025. We are pleased to announce we are keeping the fees the same as they were in 2024. Below is a list of fees:
1st year membership - £40, including badge, certificate and rule book
Annual Renewal - £35
Annual membership and renewal, Juniors up 15, 1st year if parent/guardian a member - £10, £1 renewal
Juniors 15-18 years of age, 1st year - £20, renewal if parent/guardian a member £1 per year
Application and renewal 18-21 years - £20, also applies to unemployed members and those in full time education
Club Affiliation - £20
Annual membership and renewal for Seniors over 65 - £30
Please bring cash to the next shoot or contact Alan for bank transfer details.
See you at the next shoot!